Stunt Granny Hall of Fame Inductees: Matches
The best matches. The matches that mean the most to you. The matches you have fond recollections of. The matches you want to see over and over and over again. You know the drill.
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 25
Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, WrestleMania 10
Ric Flair vs. Rick Steamboat, WrestleWar 1989
Ric Flair vs. Rick Steamboat, Chi Town Rumble
Cactus Jack vs. Vader, Halloween Havoc 1993
Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13
Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior, WrestleMania 7
Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior, WrestleMania 6
Great Sasuke & Gran Hamada & Masato Yakushiji vs. Taka Michinoku & Terry Boy & Dick Togo, ECW Barely Legal
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