Bob Holly moves to Iowa… oh no!! (*car tires squeal*)
According to a TNA house show report, at (submitted by Stunt Granny friend MattheWWFanatic), Bob Holly, who was in attendance at the live event, now lives in the city where the show was held, Dubuque, Iowa.
Wait… I live in Iowa.
And Bob Holly lives in Iowa?
I’m dead.
Well, let’s think about this. It’s not like Bob Holly knows we’re saying any of this stuff about him; if he has the Internet, I’ll eat my hat. Christ, have you seen his wrestling school’s Web site? No one’s made a site at Tripod since the fucking dancing baby. Holly seems like the type of guy who’s been trying to find a place to plug his TV into his typewriter for the last 10 years. “I’m-mo git this gawd damn thang ta workin’ yet!” He probably thinks “going to Yahoo” means riding the mule to the next town over.
And anyway, Dubuque is three and a half hours away from Des Moines. If he finds anyone first, it’ll be Dusty, a mere 2.5 hours away in Fon du Lac! -Eric
I thought about saying I was Eric Nelson from and ask for a quick interview, but I wanted to keep all my teeth.
In case you haven’t seen it, our resident race car driver and all around great guy has gotten some ink recently:
I did ask him if he was looking to get back into TNA or WWE and he said no. I then told him good because they wouldn’t hire him anyway and ran like a bitch, jk.
oh shit