PWO – Season 2 – Episode 21
Corey Winters took on Johnny Gargano. Joe Dombrowski & Michael Cash noted that Winters & Eric Ryan will be taking on Irish Airborne, Dave & Jake Crist, at Wrestlelution. Gargano was wearing new tights and played to the crowd during his entrance. The match started slowly with Gargano playing too much to the crowd. Gargano tossed Winters outside and then hit a sling shot cross body. Winters took over but did nothing significant until a modified DDT/arm bar take down. Winters clotheslined Gargano twice and then hit a tornado DDT for a two count. Gargano executed an enziguri then a “Roll of The Dice”. He finished off Winters with Uniquely You, a full nelson flap jack slam.
Analysis: Winters got in too much offense for my taste but it was a well wrestled match.
The Clash, Earnie Ballz & Brian Bender, introduced The Rock Show. Bender said it sucked to lose to Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart but they were ready to move on and win at Wrestlelution. Ballz said they knew what they did wrong and it won’t happen again.
Analysis: Bender got some mic time and did a good job. Ballz has been and was good but upped the intensity.
Hailey Hatred said she respects Portia Perez but she wanted to wrestle Eric Ryan. She said she deserves her spot in wrestling and is just as tough as Ryan. As soon as she finishes off Perez, she’s gunning for Ryan.
Analysis: She needs to get smoother on the mic but it was a good message and foreshadowing for Wrestlelution.
“The Obsession” Caleb Connelly said there was a pandemic of ugly people in Pro Wrestling Ohio. He said the PWO needs to rebuild around people like him because he has “Sex Appeal”.
Analysis: OK but nothing more.
Bobby Shields, with Sex Appeal – Bobby Beverly & Dawn Decadence, took on Noj The Wild Samoan. Marion Fontaine joined Dombowski and provided color commentary and said he was still feeling the beating the Gambinos gave him. Shields sprayed Noj’s stomach with deoderant. Shields & Beverly played catch with Noj’s bone that he brings to the ring. Shields was treating Noj lightly so Noj got in punches and chops. Beverly attacked Noj so Fontaine left the booth to make the save.
Analysis: They’re doing the best they can with this angle but it isn’t that good.
“Amazing” N8 Mattson talked about breaking his ankle. He represents Michigan and will take it to Al Snow because Snow has been lazy while Mattson has been wrestling and staying in top shape. Mattson closed by saying Al Snow will be amazed by him at Wrestlelution.
Analysis: I like Mattson’s punk rock image which seems genuine. The bowling shirt, chain wallet and tattoos all fit together. The promo was pretty good but the producer cut the promo just a shade too short while Mattson was still talking.
Mike Tolar, with EJ Georgio & Ben Fruth, came to the ring and talked up his pedigree in amateur wrestling. Tolar slammed Matt Cross’ gymnastics will stop and he’ll lose his career at Wrestlelution. Josh Prohibition was his tag team partner. Jason Bane teamed with Matt Cross. Dombowski & Cash talked about the background on the feuds in this match and how they were interconnected. Cross started against Tolar. tolar worked on Cross some and then tagged in Prohibition. Cross got the better of him including a bicycle kick. Bane and Prohibition were both tagged in. Bane hit a spinebuster. Cross hit a plancha on Prohibition & Tolar on the outside. The PWO showed a full replay while they regrouped. Cross kept Tolar down capped by a delayed vertical suplex. Cross got caught by Tolar who tagged in a fresh Prohibition. The heels tagged in and out while keeping Cross from his corner. Dombowski & Cash talked up the other matches on the Wrestlelution card while the beating happened. A high heel kick by Cross allowed the hot tag. The PWO showed a split replay with the “live” action on one side. Bane quickly hit the F5 on Tolar. Prohibition pulled the referee out of the ring and punched him. The Gambinos came to the ring and attacked Bane. Hobo Joe came out to help. Those four along with Cross and Tolar fought to the back. In an outside shot, Bane & Joe were thrown in a dumpster. Maguire laughed manically and said “Nobody messes with the Gambinos” while they posed beside him.
Back in the ring, Prohibition soaked up the boos. Gargano snuck up behind him and turned him around. Prohibition spit in his face first and Gargano retaliated. Prohibition almost hit a Drunken Driver but Gargano slipped out and went for Uniquely You but Prohibition slipped out and to ringside. Prohibition looked concerned as he backpedalled. Gargano grabbed the PWO Heavyweight Belt and said he wanted their match right now because he couldn’t wait for August 9th. Prohibition slid into the ring and went to punch Gargano as they cut to black.
Analysis: Normally I’d probably kill such a cluster-mess of an ending but the feuds have been intertwined well so it was a good call. All angles were covered with Tolar and Cross getting the majority of in ring time, the Gambinos and Hobo Joe & Bane got their own little segment and of course you end with the match between the guys fighting over the PWO Heavyweight Title. I’m glad Prohibition & Gargano didn’t have any more of a physical encounter on TV but I would have let Prohibition just leave to the back looking dismayed.
Final Analysis: Winters vs. Gargano +1, The Clash promo +1, Hatred promo 0, Connlley promo 0, Shields vs. Noj 0, Mattson promo +1, Tag Team Main Event +2. Total 5/7 with great build up for the super card Wrestlelution 2: A Coming of Age which I will attend.
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