The Glory Days of Survivor Series
Due to the fact that people don’t give a damn about Survivor Series 2009, I figured I would try to remind you all how great Survivor Series builds used to be. I order you to enjoy these. How can you not when Hogan talks about Paul Bearer’s “mortuary face”.
Survivor Series ’91 Report:
Flair and Razor Ramon hype up their match against Perfect and Savage at Survivor Series ’92:
This may not be the best Survivor Series of all time, but dammit, I would watch this 1000ty times in a row before I bought this year’s. Survivor Series 1993 Report:
Stay tuned. I will be posting as many Survivor Series treasures as I can find. – Jordan
Pettengill was the absolute worst. Good lord.
Yes, but I want that shirt.
They didnt even straighten out Robert Gibson’s eye for the promo photos!