Stunt Granny Audio #128

The Three O’Clock once sang about Suzy being on the ball now, but the same holds true for the Stunt Granny cru because they are rocking the audios lately! Dusty Giebink takes time off from his busy schedule of watching Texas Tornado and Big Boss Man squash matches, and Kevin DiFrango takes time off from *his* busy schedule of dog walking and CSI watching to join forces on talking about a veritable plethora of topics. Topics that are of interest to you, and of which you need to hear Dusty and Kevin’s opinions of before you die. Topics including Steve Austin and Tough Enough, Undertaker and Sting, Kevin Nash and Booker T, Jerry “The King” Lawler, and a host of other things that Dusty can’t think of right now because it’s really late at night when he’s writing this, and get off his back! Get off his back, and listen!

Stunt Granny Audio #128

One Response to “Stunt Granny Audio #128”

  1. Fanatic 2011-02-06 at 10:51 pm #

    You’re right Kev, WWE needs better KELLER!

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